Q: 🐾 How long will my furry friend stay at Le Beastro?

A: Petite pups and medium-sized mates usually prance out within 4 hours. As for the large and extra-large doggos, it depends on their coat and character. But rest assured, they’ll leave looking fabulous!

Q: 🐶 Do dogs get to run wild at Le Beastro?

A: Client pooches never run loose, but our lovable mascot, Chum the bull terrier, is often spotted around—sometimes even riding the Roomba!

Q: 🏠 Where do the pets lounge when they’re not being pampered?

A: Welcome to Bark Avenue! Our fully equipped kennel room features various sized kennels and adorable doggy dens, all designed to keep your pet comfy and content.

Q: ✂️ How often should my pet visit Le Beastro?

A: A grooming session every 6-8 weeks keeps your pet’s coat healthy and builds a bond with the groomer. And don’t worry about shedding—leave that mess with us!

Q: 🐕 When’s the right time for my puppy’s first groom?

A: After the 2nd set of shots, bring them in for a delightful bath and blowout. Short, regular visits help your pup get used to the grooming glamour! Ask about our puppy desensitization!

Q: 💉 Do you need to see proof of vaccinations?

A: No, we don’t! Le Beastro maintains a sanitized space with minimal risk. Your dog’s well-being is our priority, and we make sure our environment reflects that!

Q: 📸 Are photos always taken of my pet?

A: Taking pictures of pets is my favourite thing to do but sometimes we don’t have time or the pet doesn’t cooperate..

Q: 📞 What’s the best way to book a date with Le Beastro?

A: Text 306-881-7840 – it’s the quickest and easiest way! Though we might be busy with dryers and new clients, we’ll always return your texts. Or you can book online. Either way, we’re ready to serve your pet!

Q: ⏰ I dropped off my pet and haven’t heard back?

A: Don’t fret! We’re just busy smooching and grooming your pet. No pupnappings here! Expect an automatic message 40 minutes before your pet is ready to be picked up.

Q: 💼 Can I book a 1-on-1 session for my pet?

A: Absolutely! An extra charge ensures your best friend will be in and out, looking dapper lickity split.

Q: 🎁 Tell me about Le Beastro’s loyalty program?

A: Refer a friend (or a stranger) and earn $10 off your next visit! Plus, prebook your next appointment and enter our monthly draw for a chance to win 20% off. Loyalty has its perks at Le Beastro!

Voted 2023 Saskatoons Best Pet Grooming

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